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Inside Scoop: Fashion Associated with Confidence and Empowerment

Written by: Ellie Williams

Pictures by: Ellie Williams

Textiles intertwined with billions of fibers, some the eye can perceive, some that are invisible. A mechanical process taking place to assemble together something even greater. That is to say a masterpiece, being passed on to others leaving them to interpret how they want to make use of the item. Creativity in the hands of the creator, a shift in responsibility and a new level of interpretation to embody.


A meaningless fabric some would say. However, it’s so much more, exceeding the level of integrity and entrepreneurship bound within us all. Making someone feel as if they’re standing tall, confidently positioned over the world. This fabric can be anything you want it to be: rustic, retro, or vintage. One can use it to express creativity to embody their true inner emotions and feelings of who they are as a person, leaving the opportunity in your hands. Gaining a sense of control and responsibility. You can make an impact and develop something even greater than the pivotal norms. It doesn’t have to be “high end” designer brands that make up fashion. Fashion is left for the mind of the creator and it does not discriminate.

Lauren rises out of bed, disheveled from the restless sleep she had gotten the night before. Tossing and turning with millions of thoughts of what her timely oriented college day will consist of tomorrow, arrogating her mind like an outnumbering stampede. Bleary-eyed, she grabs the pot of coffee, overflowing the amount needed to make a cup. Getting ready this morning requires effort.


She explores her closet, only to find an item that has the capability to change her mood. Her face lifts with awe as she gently picks up the vintage tie-dye jacket that her grandma had given her many years ago. Chills wave over her petite body. She gets a sense of excitement; this was her opportunity to craft a look, one that would match her mood and evoke an expression of who she is. Racing to find the perfect complementary pieces to match her aesthetic, Lauren finds her favorite 1978 U.S Tour Rolling Stones t-shirt, ripped jeans and Doc Martens to create what believes is a masterpiece. These items are so much more than just a piece of fabric; these textiles are woven together to alter her mindset, acting as an overarching force exceeding the human body. A spiritual, soothing power.


She now feels completed. All of her thoughts, emotions, and sensations embodied into an outfit that not only reinforces who she is, but fills her with satisfaction. She takes a final look in the mirror, and a sense of empowerment fills her. This is who she is, authorized by the creative masterpiece that she has fabricated.


The 6:45 am, mind-boggling sound of a piercing alarm frantically wakes up Wendy. Time to try to get her three fatigued children ready and semi-excited for school. Chaos and urgency set the tone for the Monday morning. Toast jumping out of the oven and her children anxiously trying to get that last bite in before the car horn honks from outside.


7:30 am now brings a sense of relief and final relaxation. This was Wendy’s favorite time of the day, as she had some time to herself. This allowed her to fully engage with her thoughts, emotions and creative desires. She passionately unraveled the new cover of Vogue, only to get lost in the fashion world: the latest trends, outfit styling ideas, blog pieces on the elemental value of clothing, all appearing to pop out of the page with luminosity. It was her time to get ready for the day.


She journeys into her closet with determination, gazing at all of the opportunities that fell within her reach. Picking up a subtle, black, snakeskin turtle neck, she places it over her head with ease and admiration. Wendy pairs it with a long, mature jacket and vintage converse. A satisfactory smile takes over her face, getting her in a positive mindset to seize the day. As she steps out of the house, smelling the fresh crisp fall air, she feels a sense of belongingness with the environment surrounding her. You can sense the empowerment and self-assurance given off, filtered into the atmosphere by any movement that was created.  That sense of purpose that we grow up to find is captured through her ability to be able to express herself. This is who she is: someone who is confident and bold.


They say that our generations aren’t connected. Diverging views push us apart, blurring the understanding between what’s acceptable and what’s not. However, there is an in-between, a sense of connectedness and interconnectivity that bonds the societal generations together with creative expression and empowerment. This is known as the power of fashion. One that can evidently cater to the sensations and desires within. Or one that can create a power greater than existence that’s indestructible and purposeful. It gives us a sense of purpose and the ability to reproduce the impossible, or even a tied togetherness through such simplicity over a shared bonding. It can make us reinforce the aspect of knowing who we are and develop an ongoing, spiraling empowerment of positivity.